“Making an Impact”

‘People will never respond to you more positively than when you seek to make your impact felt at the human level.’

– Cendrine Marrouat 

Invision HR’s services are broken down into two domains:

Human Capital Management and Industrial & Organisational Psychology.


The HR Psychology domain focuses on the areas within Human Capital Management, which encompasses all aspects that exist throughout the employee life cycle.

The sub-domains within HR Psychology are essential to ensuring that the HR processes within an organisation support and facilitate its strategies, goals, operations and people.


The Organisational Psychology domain focuses on areas at the organisation level, which have a more transformative impact.

The sub-domains within Organisational Psychology are essential to the sustainability of a business and its organisational effectiveness.



Each sub-domain listed within HR Psychology and Organisational Psychology can be broken down into various activities in which our services are provided or advisory assistance is offered.

How can we help

Human Resource Psychology

Recruitment & Selection

Employee Compensation

Onboarding, Induction & Integration

Performance Management

Employee / Labour Relations

Training & Development

Testing & Assessment

HR Information Systems

Career Psychology


Contemporary issues in HR Psychology


HR Analytics

HR Staffing

Organisational Psychology

Organisational Design
& Structure


Organisational Culture
& Climate




Group Functioning
& Effectiveness

Need more information on the various activities relevant to each subdomain? 

Don’t hesitate to give us a call.

We’d be happy to advise further!